The movie holds its own, and perhaps should not be compared to the book. Thank goodness the film was not made by Tim Burton who would have made it much darker. It evokes utopias and dystoias from Terry Gilliam's BRAZIL, Fritz Lang's METROPOLIS to THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN. The CITY OF EMBER is a fairy tale for all young adults. Like the Village in the PRISONER television series, the children have to realize that they are freemen, and should search for Sanctuary like in LOGAN'S RUN.
No wonder they also forgot how to read the meaning of expiration dates on food packaging. They lost the knowledge of why there were there, and how long they would have to stay. There is no mass media, no folklore or mythology other than what they they created after they were entombed in the City of Ember. The City of Ember's inhabitants have had their memories wiped clean because there appears to be only one book which is in the possession of the Mayor Cole who is more interested in making sure he as more food than everyone else in the City. In a lot of ways the film is very much like DARK CITY where their memories of the day have been wiped clean as they sleep in eternal darkness. I think the films holds its own on the same level to other similar classic such as LOGAN'S RUN, and DARK CITY. I thought that the movie was a lot better than such films as BRIDGE OF TERABITHIA which is really more of a (not-so-good) after School Special than a theater release film. You wiped us out, so we are crawling in our hole, and hope you get tired and leave by the time we decide to come out. The City of Ember is hard to find from the surface of the planet, and hard for the Aliens to discover its location. I suppose it had to be just as hard for someone to get out, and even more difficult for others to get in. After all it is a children's movie (I said to myself), but thought the Builders would have came up with a better way to exit the city. Hey! It will work as an amusement park ride one day. The only thing I was a little miffed by was the INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM mine car/boat ride to exit the City of Ember. Tim Robbins had just enough air time, and was perfect in his role. I could not help think of his (uncredited part) of Peter Van Garrett in the creepy SLEEPY HOLLOW film. I am sure the character of "Sul" played by Martin Landau was just as it was in the book, a pipe worker who spent a lot of time sleeping, but knows when he needs to do his job. I only wish we had more on air time for Bill Murray and Martin Landau. The two young friends, Lina Mayfleet (Saoirse Ronan) and Doon Harrow (Harry Treadaway) did a great job in their roles. All someone had to do was look at the expiration date on the packaging! There is no sense of population control that you have in the film THX 1138, and there is only blessing is of electricity by the Builders. No wonder it was time to back up, and leave Ember.
I was a little shaken up with the idea of people eating 200 year plus canned and packaged food. After all, the people living in Ember had forgotten the reasons of why they were living underground in the first place. I was not troubled without having a lot of back story details. However, I was hoping that they would do the same as they did with THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU, and issue this elaborate two-disk dvd package complete with a map of Ember and the fragmented Builders instruction sheet. I don't think there will ever be a two-disk director's cut version of this movie to ever come out. I spend almost as much time usually watching the special features as I do watching the movie.

No making of features, and not even the trailer for the CITY OF EMBER. The extras are only trailers of other movies. I am disappointed in the presentation on the DVD. I read all of the Amazon reviews, and others on the internet. So I have been waiting for the movie to come out on DVD. I did not see the film in theaters, but the movie look interested in the trailers.
I had not heard of the book series upon which this film was based.